Climate Leadership

Demonstrating climate leadership is an important part of tackling the climate emergency. Only if we speak openly about the challenges ahead and the ways we want to approach them, will we be successful. The Cambridge Climate Change Charter would like to empower you to speak about climate change with your family, friends and colleagues, so below we provide you with the right tools to do so. We also have advice for businesses and other organisations demonstrating climate leadership – view here.

Take action

Discuss climate change with others

Speaking to people about climate change that don’t usually talk about it can help everyone to better understand the topic and how we feel about it. You can find guidance on how to talk about it online.

Develop a decarbonisation plan

Setting yourself challenging targets and developing a plan to decarbonise your operations should be done collaboratively with the leadership and your staff or membership.

Publish carbon emissions online

Having estimated your carbon footprint you can publish and update the results regularly online. Stakeholders appreciate the transparency and you might be able to appeal to customers by showing that you are working to reduce greenhouse gas emissions.

Sponsor or partner an environmental organisation or event

Partnering with another organisation is a great way to raise your profile and help others to reduce their carbon footprint. You can also support local events to get your staff or members more involved and raise your organisations profile.

Organise an event

Engage with your community through events like a Swish, Repair Cafe or Workshop. You can find all the resources you need to organise these online.