Install DIY Awnings
These DIY awnings shade sunny windows, stopping the sun streaming in during heatwaves.
The UK faces an immense challenge. We’ll need to retrofit a million homes a year with energy efficiency measures like insulation and renewables to reach the UK Government’s goal of net zero emissions by 2050. Although challenging, doing so will have immense benefits. Not only are energy efficient homes better for the environment, they’re also more comfortable, healthier and cheaper to run.
These DIY awnings shade sunny windows, stopping the sun streaming in during heatwaves.
Posting your commitments and why you’re doing it, might inspire others to do the same. And motivate you to stick with it.
Taking time to understand the issue and potential solutions is important. You can find lots of resources online.
Does any of your lighting need replacing with LEDs or other more efficient options? Work with staff /members to habitually switch off unnecessary lights
Cooling demand can be reduced by improving your facilities, but also my encouraging the right behaviour in your members and staff, like keeping doors and windows closed, lowering blinds etc.
Heating demand can be reduced by improving your facilities, but also my encouraging the right behaviour in your members or staff, like keeping doors and windows closed, setting the heating to lower temperatures etc.
Producing your own energy is a great way to save money and carbon. You can find help online to help you make the right investment.
You can choose from a number of green energy suppliers in the UK. If you share your facilities, you can always encourage your neighbours and landlord to switch.
When acquiring new machinery or appliances it makes sense to investigate how much energy and money you can save in the long-run by investing in very efficient models.
Setting yourself challenging targets and developing a plan to decarbonise your operations should be done collaboratively with the leadership and your staff or membership.
Having estimated your carbon footprint you can publish and update the results regularly online. Stakeholders appreciate the transparency and you might be able to appeal to customers by showing that you are working to reduce greenhouse gas emissions.
You can estimate your organisations carbon footprint using (free) tools and guidance. You can then track your emissions on an annual basis.
You can find tutorials and courses on how to make and endless number of things, from your own bread, clothes, furniture to soaps and cosmetics. Once you’ve learnt something, why not share your new found talents with friends?
Once your white goods have reached the end of their life it’s worth investing in the most energy efficient models to help you save energy in the long run.
Turn off the tap. Every litre of warm water saved will not only save water but also energy and carbon.
Setting your heating to a lower temperature as well as turning the heating off overnight and every time you leave the house are all easy ways to reduces your energy use
Regularly reviewing your household’s energy use will help you identify and track any potential savings. Smart meters can be a great help to keep on top of your usage.
Filling cracks (e.g. around windows or doors) can be a cheap and easy way to significantly improve the comfort of your home and reduce your energy bills.
Insulating your loft can be a very quick and cheap way to improve the comfort and energy efficiency of your home.
Insulating walls helps to retain heat in your house, reduce your heating needs and make you feel more comfortable. There are various ways to insulate walls effectively.
Upgrading your windows can help you keep out unhealthy draughts and noise, make your home more comfortable and save you some money on your energy bills.
If you own your home, producing your own energy is a great way to save money and carbon. You can find advice online to help you make the right investment.
Having someone in your organisation who is leading your decarbonisation efforts can be very useful. They can be your central point of contact for these matters and identify potential improvements.
You can use your communication channels to inform your stakeholders not only about how your organisation reduces its carbon footprint but how they can do the same.
Switching energy suppliers is a quick and easy way to reduce your carbon footprint. You might even be able to save some money.
As winter approaches, many of us start closing curtains early, turning on the heat, and anticipating seasonal treats. However, this time of year can also
Huntingdonshire residents can now borrow one of two thermal imaging cameras in the district, to undertake thermal surveys of their homes and other buildings. Thanks
Announcing Our New General Manager, Siobhan Mellon We’re thrilled to announce that Siobhan Mellon will be joining Cambridge Carbon Footprint as our new General Manager
There’s much we can do to make our homes more sustainable, often at low cost and with relatively little effort.
The resources in this section will help get you started:
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