About Us

Cambridge Carbon Footprint works to raise awareness of climate change
issues and to support people in moving to low-carbon living.

Our vision is of low carbon communities which are sustainable, resilient and rewarding.

Our mission is to inspire people to engage with climate change and empower them, individually and within their communities, to move towards low carbon living. We offer a varied programme of events and activities which will inspire people to engage with climate change and empower them to join together to build a low-carbon future. We aim to engage at many levels, including with individuals, community groups and local organisations..

Some central themes of our work are:  effective communication about climate change, home energy, transport, food, other consumption and waste.

The Paris UN Climate Agreement preamble recognises:
“that sustainable lifestyles and sustainable patterns of consumption and production, with developed country Parties taking the lead, play an important role in addressing climate change”

Our history

Over the years we have run a diverse range of projects aimed at providing both practical advice, and psychological support for personal action on climate change.​

All this (and much more) has only been possible thanks to the dedication of volunteers and staff, past and present, working together to help tackle climate change.