How to run a Shrink Your Carbon Footprint Workshop

How to run a Shrink Your Carbon Footprint Workshop

Thu 3 Mar 2022, 7:00pm – 8:30pm

Cambridge Carbon Footprint has launched a Community Toolkit to enable community groups, local businesses and organisations to raise awareness of how individuals can reduce their carbon emissions, through holding a “Shrink Your Carbon Footprint Workshop”. To support your organisation run this workshop, we are holding our second “How to” event on the 3rd March 2022 to provide you with the toolkit, walk you through it and the workshop plan and provide an open space for questions.

This online event will break down how to run a successful “Shrink Your Carbon Footprint” workshop that will support and inspire your attendees on their carbon reduction journeys. It will introduce Cambridge Carbon Footprint’s new Community Toolkit, a step-by-step guide to delivering a one hour workshop on reducing your carbon footprint with a group of individuals in a workplace, organisation or community setting.

The Toolkit is aimed at individuals in the workplace and community settings who aren’t environmental experts but are passionate about taking practical steps to address the climate and biodiversity crisis. The Community Toolkit “Shrink Your Carbon Footprint pack” provides a 60 minute ‘Shrink Your Carbon Footprint’ presentation and workshop plan that can be used off-the-peg or tailored to a particular audience. It also includes tips and guidance on how to lead a good session, how to get people along, signposting to further support and promotional material.

This guidance workshop will be held remotely on Zoom. Sign up to our  “How to run a Shrink Your Carbon Footprint” by emailing

Download the Community toolkit guide and workshop slide deck here. We highly recommend that you familiarise yourself with the materials before the event, since we will be working through this workshop with the assumption that you have a basic understanding of them. Please come with any questions that you might have about the materials. We would also recommend that you try calculating your footprint prior to attending – we won’t be sharing results in this session, but it will help introduce you to the calculator and how it works

This workshop is a project of the Cambridge Climate Change Charter, working to build a community of climate leaders in Cambridge by giving individuals, households, businesses and organisations the opportunity to understand their carbon emissions and how to reduce them, providing a platform to make a pledge to take positive action.