Huntingdonshire residents can now borrow one of two thermal imaging cameras in the district, to undertake thermal surveys of their homes and other buildings. Thanks to the generous support of Huntingdonshire District Council who have provided two new Hikmicro M series thermal cameras, to be loaned via our Thermal Imaging scheme, we can now offer more people the opportunity to take advantage of this technology for their home energy improvements.
These cameras will be hosted by two extremely generous volunteers in Great Paxton and Warboys, and will be available to borrow each week and weekend until April 2025. Anyone who would like to borrow a camera can attend one of our free 90 minute online training courses, running each month over winter to learn how to use and interpret thermal images and begin planning appropriate fixes for any heat leaks found.
Cllr Lara Davenport-Ray, HDC’s cabinet member for climate and environment said: “It’s fantastic to see Cambridge Carbon Footprint extending their projects into Huntingdonshire. Local people can now borrow thermal imaging cameras to check their homes. The results will show which areas to target for extra insulation or draught excluders. This means both lower energy bills and smaller carbon footprints for people across Huntingdonshire.”
Additionally, Warboys Parish Council will be using the thermal camera to undertake surveys of residents homes across the Village. Following on from a successful first season last winter, they have trained several volunteers to undertake surveys of residents homes and provide feedback and advice. Residents in Warboys can sign up to have their home surveyed by volunteers by emailing Parish Councillor and member of the Climate and Environment Group at clairesprouts@warboysparishcouncil.co.uk.
Cambridge Carbon Footprint and Huntingdonshire District Council are keen to encourage individuals and groups to undertake similar multi-survey projects, which can dramatically increase the impact that this technology has to improve lives. This is a particularly powerful tool for those who may struggle with the cost of heating their home, rent or live in older homes. Many fixes to heat loss can be undertaken relatively cheaply, and there are schemes that support people with the the cost of insulation, with information available at the Action on Energy Cambridgeshire website.

We hope that these cameras will enable people keen to find where their home is leaking heat to take the necessary steps address these problems, and lead to more efficient, comfortable and healthier homes with cheaper energy bills.
To book on to a training course on either 11th December, 14th January or 12th February and to book to borrow a thermal imaging camera near you follow the links to our website: Thermal imaging – Cambridge Carbon Footprint