September Swishing

Our September Swishing held on 1st September at St. Andrew’s Street Baptist Church was a fabulous day of clothes swapping enjoyment. Swishing is becoming so popular that we had a couple ladies come all the way from Norwich for the day; like most other attendees they came with a bag full of clothes and left with a bag of completley different ones. We even managed to get a few men swishing as well! Though their selection was considerably smaller than the ladies (something to work on guys), at least two gents picked up new pairs of trousers, and a great blue dress jacket was found by one of our male volunteers who swapped it for his own grey dress jacket with a female colleaque. We lost count of all the clothes that found new homes that day!

A BIG thanks to our magnificent volunteers who helped out and made the Swishing possible, as well as the people over at Wear it Love it Share it and Oblique Arts for the lending of the clothes rails.

For those who haven’t already experienced the joys of Swishing check out the photos below to see what you’re missing and watch out next Spring; another CCF Swishing just might be coming to Cambridge!

Photo credit: Sophie Davis

Created with flickr slideshow.
