
Clara Todd, Water Sensitive Cambridge

Clara co-founded Water Sensitive Cambridge with three other Cambridge residents after talking about how water could be managed differently. The group builds awareness and action to support the urban water cycle. For example, the group makes rain gardens using existing green spaces to put water into the ground instead of the drain. This supports trees, reduces surface flooding, and cleans the water when it does find its way to the river. Clara takes inspiration from many groups and individuals who bring the arts, sciences and economics together for restorative projects around water…

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Hilary Cox Condron, Artist

In her participatory arts practice, Hilary provokes creativity and playful exploration to reimagine the communities and places we live in. Her work builds and deepens connections to ourselves, each other, the natural environment and a hopeful vision of the future. Hilary often thinks of mycellium and how – as we share stories and weave connections – we are like these underground fungal networks that support the forests so that a new generation of trees can survive…

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Alice Willitts, On the Verge

Alice plants for pollinators along with a small group of committed people. They transform urban infrastructure like verges, parks, schools and roundabouts to increase biodiversity and make sure pollinating insects can access nectar-rich flowers across our city. On the Verge started with a text message from a friend, Ben, who was asking if anyone else was anxious about the desperate drop in pollinators because he wanted to do something. Alice and Jo instinctively responded and together they decided to take action. Their bold vision was to plant nectar-rich meadows throughout the city and they’ve been learning every step of the way…

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Join our team – Office volunteer

In becoming our office volunteer you would be a part of the wider CCF team. We’re a small and lively local climate change charity supporting people to reduce their carbon emissions and empowering them to take the lead on carbon reduction in their social circles, communities and places of work.

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Cambridge Independent

Get Ready for Heatwaves

Heatwaves will become more frequent and severe. Are you and your home ready? Some advice, with more coming in Open Eco Homes.

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