Join a community of climate leaders by adding your signature to the Cambridge Climate Change Charter.
As an individual we can all take positive action to reduce our carbon emissions and make net-zero possible in Cambridge. With 31% of emissions in Cambridge from heating and powering homes and 20% from transport, any steps that you take to reduce your carbon footprint will make a meaningful contribution while also demonstrating your commitment to climate action in Cambridge.
Find out more about the ways in which individuals and organisations can reduce their carbon emissions and help the planet.
Use our tailored carbon footprint calculator to better understand your emissions, to guide you on which Charter pledge to take.
How can we understand our impact on the climate and put it into numbers.
I recognise that the growing climate emergency is a serious risk to myself, my family and our community. I am therefore determined to take positive action.
I sign the Cambridge Climate Change Charter to demonstrate my commitment to tackling the causes of climate change.
I, the undersigned, will in the next 12 months:
1. Measure and reduce my emissions. I have estimated (or will estimate) my personal/my household carbon emissions using a carbon footprint calculator and I will take action to reduce these.
2. Demonstrate climate leadership. I will seek to raise awareness of the climate emergency and help others to understand and reduce their carbon emissions too.
Share and celebrate Cambridge’s climate action through our Charter community portal. Explore climate action case studies and advice, follow local and national net zero updates, learn how to share your pledge and progress, and discover how you can become part of our Charter photo gallery!
01223 301842
The Bike Depot
140 Cowley Road
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