Cambridge Community Portal

Share and celebrate the climate action that the Cambridge community’s have taken through the Cambridge Climate Change Charter.

Explore climate action case studies and advice, follow local and national net zero updates, learn how to share your pledge and progress, get featured in a case study, and discover how you can become part of our Charter photo gallery!

Climate Action Case Studies

Everyone can be part of the solution to climate change in Cambridge. Explore our case studies to discover how Cambridge individuals, organisations and businesses have been taking climate action to help build a sustainable future for Cambridge.

Showcase your commitment and help support the wider community by sharing your experiences through a climate action case study. Get in touch with us at, or message Cambridge Carbon Footprint on social media.  

Celebrate the Charter far and wide and inspire others to influence larger scale change through posting on social media!

Share your pledge, tips, advice and any other Charter news you wish to share using the hashtag #camclimatecharter and tag Cambridge Carbon Footprint in your posts.

Charter Gallery


Explore the businesses and organisations across Cambridge who already taking action on climate change through the Cambridge Climate Change Charter.

Charter News

Charter Events