Celebrate the Charter far and wide and inspire others to influence larger scale change through posting on social media! By showcasing your commitments to tackling climate change you will not only show your customers or members that you take the issue seriously and provide leadership. You might also inspire others to take a pledge and commit to reducing their carbon footprint.
Showcasing your pledge is easy. Once you have completed the sign up process for the charter you will be send a summary of your pledge via email. You can then print this off or share it online. You can also find a ‘Share via Social media’ button on the last page of signing the charter.
To show that you’re taking your commitment seriously, you can also share regular updates on how you’re getting on with your pledge and add tips for your staff/members or customers on what they can do to help.
When sharing your pledge, tips, advice and any other Charter news you wish to share using the hashtag #camclimatecharter and tag Cambridge Carbon Footprint in your posts.