Most cars aren’t used for 96% of the time. It’s estimated that one vehicle in a car sharing scheme can replace eight that are individually owned. Fewer young people are learning to drive and fewer have ambitions to own a car – maybe they know that mass individual car ownership is not going to be incompatible with meeting our climate and clean air targets? Cleaner, healthier cities hold great appeal with many Londoners turning over their designated parking spaces to bike sheds or on street gardens. Some cities around the world are offering free public transport to lure people out of their cars. Less cars means nicer journeys for cyclists and more opportunity to use our streets as a place to gather in and play.
Enterprise Car Club has positioned over 30 cars and vans (all low emission and many electric) around Cambridge. The help people make more sustainable journeys they’re often located near transport hubs or in the heart of neighbourhoods and amenities, such those EVs at Arbury Court (see CCF’s Sustainable North Cambridge Map). This Enterprise Car Club supports Cambridge Council’s Air Quality Action Plan.
See Transition Cambridge’s CleanWheels page for information about greener transport options.
Zipcar You join up and then hire by the hour
Camshare has been set up to provide a local service matching potential partners as driver or passenger. For example, Cambridge Uni Press and the Cambourne and Granta Business Parks take part, as do some local authorities.