Raising awareness of climate change issues and supporting people in the move to low-carbon living


Donate to support a sustainable future

For over 15 years we have been providing advice and support to help people reduce their carbon emissions and prevent climate change. Your donation helps fund a more sustainable future for Cambridgeshire.

Join a community of climate leaders

Demonstrate your commitment to climate action through the Cambridge Climate Change Charter. 

The Charter gives individuals, households, businesses and organisations the opportunity to find out more about their carbon emissions and how to reduce them, a providing a platform to make a pledge to take positive action. 


Join our team – CCF Trustee

Are you concerned about climate change? Volunteering with Cambridge Carbon Footprint (CCF) you’ll work together with a great team of people who share a common purpose, using your unique skills and experiences to support local climate action. We’re currently looking for people of all ages and backgrounds to join our Trustee Board.

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Beat the Heat

  We need to expect more severe, more frequent heatwaves and Cambridgeshire is among the worst affected UK counties, with the highest temperatures being  in

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Partners and supporters